Saturday, August 06, 2011

Inspired to Create

More of These....Pretty Please
day 78

Sometimes you're under the gun to create but circumstances conspire to get in the way. That is when I corral a mental scrapbook of  life inside and outside the Studio walls. 

These are pictures, photos, and words that inspired me today...I'd love more of these...lots more ...

1. because Frank Sinatra wore hats and sung the words "just the way you look tonight" like he meant it...2. because Fresh local apples say, "Smell the sweet and taste the tart; there's nothing here waxy wrestling down your tongue!" ...3. because Snarky words remind you that sometimes you'll die if you don't think them, and you'll stay dead if you don't say them... 4 and 5. because there will always be ways to say  I Love You, starting with a magnetized sneak attack on the refrigerator and a scripted tattoo... 6. because sometimes, the best way to clear your head and get all gaga creative is to sniff a bar of River Girls Wake up Call soap in Peppermint and Eucalyptus.. 7. because strawberry cream cake can make you see stars and do very crazy things with a loved one. ';-) 8. because Giraffes  are tall, have sumptuous long lashes and an average blood pressure of 220 over something else ungodly but they never ever look stressed. 9. because images of the Madonna and Child in colors of copper and burnt sienna conjure up her true life full of dust, sand and labor. 10. because making s'mores is more than an exercise in the kitchen; it's girl scouts galore and at last. 11. because a full body tattoo in cherry blossoms is stunning and while I might not be getting this, I'm beginning to think some brave soul should!  

Stay inspired!

River Girls Yum Fun Images 
Snarky  "Your Fault" card from Etsy; Gooey S'mores from Fork vs Spoon (decadent recipe included here!). Magnetic love photo at Flicker. Love is Enough tattoo at Flicker. Ahh the Giraffe beats the competition at National Geographic Travel Photo Contest. Bite me apples fine art print at Etsy. River Girls truly awesome clear your passages Wake up Call! SoapDreaming about a cherry blossom body tattoo? Wow! See more ...

1 comment:

Rachel J said...

I love the theme to all these pictures--and I really want to eat that s'more.