Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gorgeous Fat Tomatoes

day 82

Today, Dad asked that we leave the hospital where he is recuperating from surgery and go to the house to retrieve his glasses and box of tissues. A prolific gardener,  he had complained for weeks about the scorching sun and how he didn't think he would see many tomatoes this season. Yet, when I rounded the back yard, there they were. Bunches and bunches of fat juicy tomatoes and deep red peppers hanging from their vines.

Dad still can't eat anything, but we took one of each back to the hospital so he could see how well he had done. He told me to take them home, use them, and now, I have. 

I will make spinach salad with roasted almonds, and chop them for omelets and toy with a sweet and spicy salsa recipe. I will eat some raw and go to sleep dreaming of a orange red tomato soap that soothes acne ridden oily skin. Ahhh the possibilities of tomatoes.

Good night,

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