Tuesday, August 02, 2011

A Beautiful Day Inside: Lovely Limbs Three Sugars Scrub

day 74
Oh Baby, Can You Say Furnace?
Today was another near 100 degree day in Washington, D.C. And I have decided that I now know why I ventured north to Brunswick, Maine for college when I was a young girl of 18. It's the summers here. I manage all the seasons well. I am a lover of places that have four seasons. Yet, even as a child, summer was my least favorite. Living round the clock with sterile air conditioning but claiming to love summer, well it's just not true. We are all awaiting the moment of cool relief.

River Girls Lovely Limbs 3 Sugars Scrub in
Raspberry Blackberry Sage,
Coming Soon in 4oz Try Me, Love Me Jars
I  love  the chill of air, and breezes, and the sort of hushed quick way the sun sets on short days. I love pumpkin carving and holidays but most of all, stepping out on my back bedroom porch at night and shivering a bit.

Woweeee Holy Cow!
All of that said, today was a lovely day full of  well stitched completions. The beauty of nothing extraordinary happening but everything ordinary falling into place. That was this day.

River Girls Lovely Limbs 3 Sugars Scrub in
Lemon Lavender TeaCake, 
Coming Soon in 4oz Try Me, Love Me Jars

For the upcoming Fall 2011 Season,  I have committed to giving River Girls best selling  Lovely Limbs Three Sugars Scrub its own Made To Order menu of divine scents. The original will continue to be served up in Cranberry and Brown Sugar. The new list will include Raspberry Blackberry Sage; Vanilla Bean; and, Lemon Lavender Teacake.  Hippie Girl and Wake Up Peppermint Eucalyptus are under consideration as well as an in-house custom blend of White Chocolate Peony and a Coconut Blood Orange scent. I am experimenting; if you have a fantasy scent idea, suggest away!
Unlike the Brown Sugar Cranberry original, these will come in the smaller 4 oz jars and weigh in at 6 ounces. The truth is at $7.95, you'll want to buy and try all!

Happy Tuesday Evening!
Wanda Eve

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