Tuesday, July 19, 2011

day 60
Please Mr. Postman, Bring Me My River Girls Soap!

26 Million Women Reached!
Today was a frenetic day in the Studio. It began at 7 a.m. with paces on the treadmill while listening to the hot novel Hypnotist by Lars Kepler a murder suspense tale set in Sweden. In an uncanny twist-- BlogHer selected last night's post on the death of Borders book stores and the reliance upon audio and ebooks as a Feature Post for both its News and Books categories.  As Larry David would say... "Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Good..." 

And speaking of pretty, here are the fruits of today's labor.  River Girls shipped two packages to two separate customers on two separate coasts. Oddly, their orders and tastes were quite similar! The precious Orange Ginger & Honey Peach bicycles were clamoured for (rather horrifying to make but so pretty when they're done!) Orders of Thai Coconut Lime, Perfectly Peony, and Entwined in Ginger Honey Cream pulled up the rear. The Peony was a special order with two distinct color layers rather than the traditional solid shimmering pink!

Enjoy your evening friends!

1 comment:

SisterBatik said...

I love the look of the yelloe lemony soap : )

And well don on Blogher picking up one of your posts. I am a new follower.


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