Friday, June 03, 2011

day 14

That Scent, Ohh That Scent 

The scent of All Better Balm comes from pure Australian Tea Tree and Provence Lavender. For me, it is addictive, always reminding me of my Grandmother Eleanor's cellar where my sisters and I played dolls and curled up on her old couch reading magazines and Nancy Drew novels.

One of the most romantic things ever said to me was, “You smell like Christmas, the one I always wanted and never had.” I  discovered that meant cinnamon sticks, overflowing cups of vanilla eggnog ice cream, tiny spiced apples and fresh snow. Years later I find myself tinkering in the Studio trying to concoct that scent, an aroma I might call, The Christmas Wish.

To say that scents can evoke deep memories is an understatement. They can engrave an impression as deeply as any action.

A day in my Studio usually begins by 6:30 a.m., and whether I plan it or not, the scents of the day make their way onto my mental list.  Then, when I least expect it, an urge to merge them, isolate them, play with them, tinker for weeks --unfolds. Over the course of today, these scents visited me:

 ~ Black Colombian coffee, fresh cream, raisin cinnamon toast while breakfasting
~ Wood pine chips and pink roses in the garden
~ An overripe but invitingly syrupy cantaloupe
~ Smoked fire ovens of the Tex Mex Grill passed on my walk
~ Tobacco smoke, puffy Indian bread, pineapples, and
~ The threat of rain unrealized.

What happens next? We’ll see. A coffee and leather soap for cowboys, perhaps.

Good night,
Wanda ;-)

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